We are so excited to Worship with you both in-person and online! To help us follow the guidelines from our state, we do ask that anyone who chooses to attend an in-person service to keep in the mind the suggested guidelines.
Practice physical distancing between household/family units
Practice good hygiene
Wear a mask (including children over 2 years of age)
Follow other state-provided guidelines for public outings
Stay home (and participate in our online worship service) if you are feeling sick or displaying symptoms of being sick
It is both wise and appropriate to be concerned about the spreading of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to take reasonable precautions as we evaluate our worship services and other meetings at Calvary Bible Church. We are not to walk in fear, nor are we to forsake meeting together (Hebrews 10:23-25), but we are also called to be wise and submit to our governing authorities. We are continuing to seek other creative opportunities to make disciples of Jesus Christ while following the directives of our state and national government as well as the US Center for Disease Control (CDC). Should we decide to further change our services or programs, we will communicate these changes to you along with any additional steps we will be taking to keep the church connected and functioning. For those unable to attend church (whether now or in the future), we encourage you to participate at home through our streaming services.
So, what should we do as a church?
Trust God: No matter how dire circumstances may get, the Lord remains our refuge and strength, “an ever-present help in trouble” (Psalms 46:1).
Pray: We must pray for the sick, those struggling with fear, as well as those who are experiencing major financial burdens as a result of closures and cancellations. Pray also for our government and public health officials, for doctors and nurses, for researchers, and for the caregivers who are serving the public.
Heal the Sick: An obligation for Christians is to help care for the sick and dying (Matthew 10:8). We are to love sacrificially, going as far to lay down our own lives (John 15:13). This is the epitome of love. Even if a virus outbreak prevents us from gathering as congregations to worship, we are still commanded to support one another in selfless love and care. This can happen through prayer, through verbal encouragement, and through physically coming alongside others to provide help in a crisis.
Give Generously and Sacrificially: We are anticipating many within our church family to need additional spiritual, emotional, and physical help during this season. Your faithful support ensures that we are able to continue fulfilling our mission during these trying times. Visit www.cbcvt.org/giving for instructions on how to give securely and safely online.
Volunteer: We are called to be the church, regardless of where and when we meet. There are plenty of new and exciting opportunities for you to both help encourage the body of Christ as well as love our neighbors with the gospel. Contact a ministry leader to help.
If you are sneezing, coughing, running a fever, have a compromised immune system, or have traveled to a high-risk area, please stay home and take care of yourself. If you are unable to care for yourself, please contact one of your elders or pastors.